TMA Practical Cases in Healthcare


We now see how healthy it is to invest more in each other
An accident can happen at any time. The Emergency Department (ED) knows this better than anyone. Teamwork is crucial in such a fast-paced environment, but there's often little time for reflection. By investing in each other through team sessions, the ED team leaders at St. Antonius Hospital were able to elevate their collaboration to a whole new level.


TMA at WijEindhoven

Case studies and intervision are a standard part of work in the social domain. But how do you ensure that employees hold up the right mirror to each other? Bee
WIJeindhoven opted for a connecting and talent-oriented approach. “It gives us happier and more sustainable employable employees.”

Performance management with TMA takes Isala to a higher level.

Traditionally, an assessment interview looks at the past. At Isala this conversation is much more focused on the future.
Isala offers top clinical and basic care. To continuously improve the quality of care, the cycle of evaluation, functioning and assessment, as the start of performance management, has been used. It starts as soon as someone is hired.

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Talent at Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis.

Laudy Andrade Ribeiro (24) spent so much time in hospitals as a child that she did not want to think about working in healthcare until nurses pointed out to her that her experience and talents would make her an asset.

Talent at HBO Nursing Training

'Thanks to my assertiveness, I can stand up for my patients'
Myrthe van der Heijde (26) quit the Music Management course to do 'something practical': the HBO course in Nursing. And the white coat suits her better than she thought.

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'Giving real attention to healthcare workers is desperately needed'

Elise Nieuwhof knows healthcare like no other. As a mother of a child with an intellectual disability, she is an HR consultant in her field. She participated in the TMA Cares for Care campaign based on the belief that healthcare providers can put a smile on their faces and their clients with the right attention.