How to turn individuals into a team?

You forge successful teams by gaining insight into the dynamics within a group and individual talents and drives. With the ‘Team Development’ module, you effectively identify and develop team qualities.


Team assessment creates effective teams

In a competitive and rapidly changing world, forming effective teams that leverage individual qualities is essential. The strength of this module lies in providing in-depth insight into the talents and drives of each team member. Combining all these insights gives you a clear picture of collective strengths and pitfalls. This enables teams to collaborate better and harness each other’s talents. Additionally, the module assists in identifying any ‘talent gaps’ or overlaps within the team. Team assessment enhances communication, collaboration, and effectiveness by fostering a shared understanding of each individual’s unique contributions. Furthermore, it motivates teams to focus on goals aligned with existing talents and create targeted development plans that strengthen the team as a whole.

The 4 steps of team development

Teams are the heart of organizations, as that’s where the real work happens. If teams are not in sync, success for an organization is unlikely.

Follow the steps below to assemble a high-performing team with members who understand, reinforce, and complement each other. This results in a more effective and resilient team that is ready to innovate alongside the organization.

1.) Gain insight into all talents of team members

All team members complete a talent assessment, providing each team member with insight into their unique talents, qualities, pitfalls, and areas for development. Afterward, review the team overview that consolidates all the team’s talents.

2.) Identify key team competencies

Determine the key competencies necessary for effective team functioning. Then, engage in a team discussion around questions such as:

  • What unique talents does each team member bring to the table?
  • What actions should we take (or avoid) based on our talents to collaborate effectively?
  • How can we best allocate work based on the talents present?
  • How can we leverage our talents to effectively solve team problems?

3.) Encourage open communication

Encourage team members to discuss their talents, drives, and expectations with each other. This fosters mutual understanding and respect, leading to improved collaboration and seamless communication.

4.) Evaluate and optimize

Utilize the team development module to evaluate progress. Discuss whether team talents are still being effectively deployed. Then, determine which minor improvements based on existing team talents are necessary to make the team even more productive.

More about team building

Discover the Power of Talent Development with TMA

A successful organization is built upon the talents of its employees. With TMA, you can deploy the right talents in the right positions, enabling your organization to thrive. From hiring the right applicants to fostering development, we are here to assist you. Make the transition to a talent-oriented organization today.