TMA Inside: Embedded Talent Data for HR Software Systems

TMA Inside is a powerful solution for HR software systems that assists their clients in making better decisions regarding employee recruitment, development, and retention.


Why TMA Inside?

Attracting and retaining the right employees is crucial for the success of any company. Most companies utilize software to support these processes.

Examples of such software include recruitment, application tracking, HR, learning, performance, onboarding, and talent management platforms. But how do you identify the right people? How can you ensure that they can develop and thrive within your organization?

TMA Inside is designed to empower HR software platforms by enhancing their process software with talent data, thereby facilitating even better matches between the organization and employees or applicants.

Contact TMA Inside

How does TMA Inside work?

TMA possesses advanced assessments and psychometric instruments to gain in-depth insights into employees’ capabilities, personality traits, and motivation. All of this is, of course, scientifically validated. The results are analyzed and translated into practical recommendations for talent management.

Additionally, TMA has its own competency model. Competencies represent the skills that an employer expects from a specific role. In TMA’s assessments, the development potential for each skill is measured. This allows you to assess whether someone has potential for a particular skill directly.

By measuring aptitude for the expected competencies of a specific role, much better matches can be made. As a result, organizations can effectively deploy employees, harness their potential, and optimize their performance.

TMA Inside integrates the results of psychometric instruments into the HR Software Platform through APIs or LTI connections, enabling seamless use within the HR software ecosystem


When will TMA Inside benefit my HR software platform?

TMA Inside does not provide products or services directly. TMA Inside collaborates with HR Software Platforms when the following conditions are met:

  • TMA serves as an additional or reinforcing service for the Platform Partner.
  • Talent data is technically integrated into the HR Software Platform.
  • TMA is fully incorporated into the marketing and sales of the Platform Partner’s services.

Connection via an API

TMA Inside has specified APIs that authorized developers of HR Software Platforms can use to enrich their own applications with TMA talent data.
The API allows for direct initiation of TMA analyses from within the application. Upon completion, the talent data is immediately available for integration into the HR Software Platform Partner’s application.
With this data, the Partner can independently create matching and screening functionality using the TMA Competency Model and utilize the results for insightful dashboards benefiting their clients.

Learn more about how our API can be utilized, for example, in Application Tracking Software Platforms.

How much does TMA Inside cost?

TMA Inside collaborates with HR Software Platforms that result in a joint revenue model. Investments in technical integration are determined and aligned through consultation. Marketing, sales, customer success management, and support are handled by the HR Software Platform Partner.

Technical integration of TMA Inside

TMA Inside provides API and LTI-based integrations that allow the HR SaaS Platform to communicate with TMA and exchange talent data and content

Relationship on basis of LTI

TMA Inside has adopted this standard to grant third parties access to its content. In this case, the TMA talent analysis can be initiated directly from the partner’s application. The difference from an API connection is that no data is sent; instead, all content is streamed to the user.

The advantage for the HR Software Platform Partner is that they can provide access from their own application without having to develop the functionality themselves. This method of integration is particularly suitable for content-intensive TMA applications, such as the numerous talent articles and hundreds of workouts.

With LTI, the TMA assessments and their outcomes and insights remain on TMA’s systems, and the data is not transmitted but rather unlocked within the partner’s application.

For example, LTI is applied in LMS, while a combination of LTI and API is well-suited for PMS.

Make an Appointment

During a demo, we can share our complete range of offerings and discuss any specific requirements you might have. Feel free to schedule an appointment by providing your details, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
