Discover Talent with TMA's Free Talent Apps.

Find your strengths and talents in the 44 TMA Talents with My Talents App.

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Job Interview App

The TMA Job Interview App is the best and most comprehensive app for managers, recruiters, and HR to excel during professional (telephone) interviews while also providing the structure needed for each topic on a candidate's resume.

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TMA Competency Library App

TMA Competencies: A free competency library containing 53 competencies for non-commercial use within your organization.

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Start with TMA Talent Method

Contact us for your free 30 minutes talent experience demo!


As a Consultant
you guide your clients through the challenge of implementing the best Talent Management and Career Instruments.


As an Organization, you implement the most effective instruments of TMA into your HR Process: Talent Management, Talent Model, Competencies, Hiring and Development Assessments.


As an Independent (Career) Coach, you make a difference by using TMA Career and Development instruments, guiding your candidates in a positive way.

TMA Competency Library

53 Competencies

Interview questions

Development potential

Behavioral examples on 4 levels

Development activities

Coaching advice

Competency definitions

My Career Coach App

My employment Coach App indexes 8,000 employment opportunities and features the broadest and most intelligent search engine for available positions. Includes detailed skill descriptions and job needs for each position, as well as corresponding TMA Competencies.

8000 job suggestions and career advice

Middle Level

8000 job descriptions

Matching vacancies

Higher level

Competencies for 8000 jobs

Required skills and experiences for 8000 jobs

Talent Game App

The TMA Talent Game consists of 44 talent cards and four cards with game modifications and explanations. The game is a useful tool for anyone who wishes to use their talents. You have the option of playing independently or with your team. In addition, this game is designed for TMA professionals and trainers to utilize for individual and team coaching.

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Discover talent with TMA!

Try all of our apps to assist with tasks such as competency management, interview questions, development activities, and more.

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