Map your employee's talents, also for customised companies.

Talents and drivers of individuals have long been recognized in HR as the starting point for successful collaboration. With the assistance of TMA in Belgium through Acerta, you gain a clear understanding of the connection between talents and the developability of competencies.

The TMA Methodology in Belgium (Acerta) maps out employees’ motivations and talents, bridging the gap to competencies. It demonstrates that measuring talents and motivations also adds value for custom companies and construction firms—whether for maintaining green spaces on a business site, handling minor demolitions, or clearing out homes. Recently, a custom company partnered with Durabrik, resulting in immediate added value.

We explain the 3 biggest advantages.

1.) You get an accurate picture of your employees

Talents and Drives of individuals have long been recognized in HR as the starting point for successful collaboration. By utilizing the TMA methodology, you gain a clear understanding of the link between talents and the developability of competencies. Following such an analysis, you essentially hold an objective, positive snapshot of your employees. You become familiar with their motivations, talents, and which competencies are challenging, moderate, or easily developed.

2.) You create a positive story for everyone

Vulnerable groups often carry a curriculum primarily composed of negative experiences and setbacks when it comes to employment. The merit of TMA lies in its ability to shift the focus. It creates a positive narrative and puts employees in the spotlight they rightfully deserve. Additionally, it equips them with tools to work on themselves effectively.

3.) You form a working environment with room for growth

Another crucial factor influencing people’s behavior is the environment in which they find themselves. This environment can either support or hinder the development of various competencies. An appropriate and stimulating workplace enhances the self-worth of individuals from disadvantaged groups, fosters social connections, and provides opportunities for self-improvement and societal integration.

TheTMA's talent analysis sheds light on a team member’s personal preferences regarding their ideal work environment. What does someone need to truly thrive? Which work situation aligns best with your employees’ needs? Once we’ve mapped this out, adjustments can be made to the environment, as needed and to the extent possible, ensuring that talents are expressed optimally.


Begin with TMA


As a consultant, you guide your clients by implementing TMA Talent Management. Your starting point is positive psychology.


As an organization, you want to implement the TMA positive psychology tools and TMA Talent Management Method in your own organization.


As a coach, you believe in positive psychology, talent and opportunities that make a difference to the candidates you coach.

More information about TMA without obligation
