Talent-oriented leadership

An important task of managers is to pay attention to the people in your teams and their mutual understanding. Managerial attention helps people work better together and grow professionally. This way, you achieve individual and team goals and solve work problems efficiently.


Practical talent management

If you incorporate the TMA philosophy into your working method, talent-oriented management of people is very easy. It is simple because, with talent-oriented leadership, you only have to add one extra element to your existing management skills.
Your people can work independently with the advice in the TMA app. Of course, you can help them a little. You do this by talking to them regularly. By asking smart talent questions, you give them a push in the right direction.


TMA app for leaders

Imagine being able to activate the talents of your employees. Wouldn't it be great to help them with practical advice on their way to better performance? Wouldn't it be great if you could divide the work in your teams in a talent-oriented manner? All this is possible with the TMA app for leadership development.

Contact TMA

The TMA module for leadership development provides practical answers to many (collaborative) work issues.

A few examples:

  • What are the unique talents of an employee or team?
  • Which role does and does not suit an employee's talents?
  • How can an employee best use their talents to dare more or pay more attention to details?
  • How do colleagues work better with each other?
  • What small change can an employee make to better tailor the work to their own talents?

Easy to get started

Embracing the TMA philosophy is not difficult for managers. Most people would like to receive some help in starting up talent-oriented conversations. We, therefore, offer you short on-the-job training courses where you learn how to engage in talent-oriented conversations with employees.

Start with TMA Talent Method

Contact us for your free 30 minutes talent experience demo!


As a Consultant
You assist clients in implementing the most effective talent management and career instruments.


As an Organization, you effectively incorporate TMA tools into your HR process, including Talent Management, Talent Model, Competencies, Hiring and Development Assessments.


As an Independent (Career) Coach, you utilize TMA Career and Development instruments to positively guide your candidates.