Talent-oriented leadership

An essential task for leaders is to pay attention to the individuals within their teams and their interpersonal dynamics. Leadership attention facilitates better collaboration and professional growth. By doing so, you achieve both individual and team goals while efficiently resolving work-related challenges.


Practical leadership of talents

When incorporating the TMA philosophy into your approach, talent-oriented leadership becomes straightforward. It’s simple because talent-focused leadership requires adding just one extra element to your existing management skills.

Your team members can independently engage with the advice provided in the TMA app. Of course, you can offer some guidance. Regular conversations with them allow you to ask insightful talent-related questions, nudging them in the right direction.

Talent development


TMA app for leaders

Imagine being able to activate your employees’ talents. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to guide them toward improved performance with practical advice? And wouldn’t it be even better if you could distribute work within your teams based on talent? All of this can be achieved with the TMA app for leadership development.

Learn more?


The TMA module for leadership development provides practical answers to many (collaborative) work questions. A few examples:

• What are the unique talents of an employee or a team?
• Which role fits the employee's talents and which does not?
• How can an employee best use his or her talents to be more daring or pay more attention to details?
• How can colleagues work better together?
• What small change can an employee make to better match their work to their talents?

Get started easily

Embracing the TMA philosophy is straightforward for leaders. However, most find it helpful to receive a little assistance when initiating talent-focused conversations. Therefore, we offer short on-the-job training sessions where you’ll learn how to engage in talent-oriented discussions with your team members.

Leading with talent!

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From Talent to Performance practice book

We gladly share our knowledge, so we’re making our handbook available to you for free. You can download it or order a copy

Make an appointment for an inspiring introduction

Understanding the entire TMA philosophy and overseeing all the possibilities of talent-oriented work can be overwhelming.
Therefore, we would like to visit you and provide more information about our modules without any obligation.