TMA at K_Dekker construction & infrastructure


In the construction industry, success is no longer solely dependent on technical knowledge and skills. It is crucial to utilise talents effectively and promote teamwork, as K_Dekker construction & infrastructure recognises. The company shifted its focus towards talent development, not only to attract top talents but also to maximise the potential of its current workforce.

The crisis had significant repercussions for SMEs in the construction sector. Many companies struggled to stay afloat. However, K_Dekker managed to weather the storm, largely due to the new strategic direction the company adopted. "We decided to focus more on design and the construction world," explains director Ron Oudeman. "This requires a different, more highly educated workforce. Instead of laying off everyone and hiring new people, we wanted to explore how we could get more out of our current employees."

'Employees must be in the driver's seat if you really want to bring about change'

Aware of behavior

Talent development was not new for K_Dekker at that time. Siem Stam, the HR manager, had been involved in it for quite some time. “We operate in a market where skills are becoming increasingly important. While having the right technical skills is crucial, success also hinges on effective collaboration and positive team dynamics. What truly matters is having people in the right roles. That’s when they become more effective.”

Within the organization, anyone who wants to develop themselves can undergo a TMA Talent Analysis. Afterwards, they engage in conversations with a coach and create their own PDP (Personal Development Plan). Stam explains, “In the PDP, you can express what you’d like to achieve—whether it’s deepening your current role, transitioning to a different role within your function, or even exploring an entirely new position. Some individuals take two months to complete their PDP, while others take nine. For us, the duration doesn’t matter as long as they reflect consciously. Plans are more likely to succeed when people create them themselves.”

He continues, “Employees need to take the wheel if we genuinely want to drive change. That’s why we ask open-ended questions and raise awareness about behavior. For instance, we encourage someone aspiring to be an environmental manager to consider their talent for project management. Our message is clear: focus your energy on what comes naturally. When everyone does that, it makes the entire company better.”


The focus on talent development also makes it easier for K_Dekker to attract top talents. “Trainees often choose large companies, which naturally appeal to young talents,” explains Director Oudeman. “Meanwhile, we’ve demonstrated that a company like ours offers excellent development opportunities. I personally mentor trainees, just like the rest of the management team. This shows that it’s not just talk; we actively contribute to talent development.”

Mentoring trainees also provides valuable insights for the management team. Oudeman adds, “I always say: an hour spent talking with your trainee yields at least a day’s worth of management information. You can proclaim that the door is open from your ivory tower, but you must demonstrate it. Engage in conversations. Only then do you gain informal insights beyond the usual formalities, truly understanding what’s happening. And it’s a lot of fun too.”

Reflection is important

Jesse Ordeman, a 25-year-old trainee, graduated from the HBO Civil Engineering course in June 2015. His quest was to find a path that would allow him to explore all disciplines within a company. K_Dekker caught his attention due to their comprehensive process, which not only provides work experience but also emphasizes personal development. Jesse appreciates tools like the TMA (Talent Motivation Analysis) that have helped him gain deeper self-awareness. Looking back, he believes it’s unfortunate that competencies aren’t given more consideration in training courses. For technicians like him, exposing oneself can be challenging, so emphasizing personal development is crucial.

In his Personal Development Plan (PDP), Jesse outlines his aspirations based on core values and pillars. This plan extends beyond work-related goals—it encompasses personal growth as well. He actively seeks feedback from his manager and colleagues, engaging in conversations with his mentor. Regularly revisiting his development plan allows him to assess the progress he’s made and identify areas for further learning. While making plans is enjoyable, reflection is equally vital. Jesse is excited about this opportunity and intends to make the most of it!

Dog ears

Directeur Oudeman prefers TMA reports and development plans with dog-eared corners, he says. “Because that means you’ve delved into them extensively. In the past, there were no lifelines—you had to figure things out on your own. Now, more and more people recognize the importance of collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing. Even if someone takes just a half step in their development in these areas, it’s already a win. Not only for us, but that individual also becomes happier.”

'It can be difficult, especially for us technicians, to expose ourselves'

Begin with TMA


As a consultant, you guide your clients by implementing TMA Talent Management. Your starting point is positive psychology.


As an organisation, you want to implement the TMA positive psychology tools and TMA Talent Management Method in your own organisation.


As a coach, you believe in positive psychology, talent and opportunities that make a difference to the candidates you coach.

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