Monuta believes in development for everyone with TMA


The funeral industry is evolving. Competition from freelancers, digitization, and changing customer preferences are driving new ways of working. At Monuta, the focus is therefore on the talent of its employees, all with the aim of better serving the customer.

"Where are your talents and how can we better leverage them? This question has become increasingly important in recent years," explains Daphne Beerepoot, HR Manager at the nationwide funeral service provider and insurer. "The changes in the industry also necessitate organizational restructuring within our company. And this goes beyond just cutting jobs; it's mainly about placing the right people in the right positions."

Beerepoot introduced Talent Thinking at Monuta to facilitate these reorganizations. "Having used the TMA Method in previous roles, I was particularly drawn to its positive approach," she says. "Individuals undergoing the Talent Analysis gain insights into their talents, which can only benefit their career. Monuta has traditionally been an organization with long tenures, but that no longer fits the current times. We need to work longer, and you want to do something that suits you."

Feast of Recognition

Agnes ter Agter is one of the employees who has been with Monuta for many years, within the organization's holding company. "To be precise, seventeen years," she says. "During that time, I've worked in various departments, so it never gets boring." Ter Agter has been working as an internal auditor since 2010. "Last year, our department underwent an external assessment. We passed it well, but it turned out that there were some areas where we could improve. My manager, along with the management and HR, decided to align the job descriptions with the TMA Method and utilize the TMA."

"Although the Talent Analysis came as a surprise to me, it was exactly the right moment," Ter Agter continues. "When you've been with a company for so long, you sometimes wonder if this is what you want to do for the rest of your life. So, I thought it was a great opportunity to see where I stood. It was a recognition of sorts. I found out that my motivations were well in order. There was room for improvement, but it wouldn't require much energy."

Following the TMA Talent Analysis, the 360-degree feedback was implemented, where the manager, a colleague, and two clients were asked to give their opinions on Ter Agter. "Two surprising things came out of it: first, I came across as convincing, while I thought I needed to work on that. Second, I was convinced that I was very customer-oriented, whereas the clients felt there was room for improvement in that aspect. I've scheduled a meeting with the clients to address their feedback."

More Freedom

For Ter Agter, it's the first time she has received such specific feedback. "Customers always receive an evaluation form from us after an audit, but nothing unusual ever comes out of it. This time, not only was the questioning different, but also the approach: we expressed our desire to elevate our standards and asked for assistance. This made people feel much more inclined to help us."

Ter Agter isn't necessarily planning to change jobs shortly. "But now I have more insight into what my options are. And not just me; I notice that my manager, thanks to the reports from the TMA Talent Analysis, is more focused on how he interacts with me. I have more freedom because my manager knows even better what I can do and what I'm like. Moreover, we hold each other more accountable for behavior; we've become more businesslike in that regard. Issues are addressed earlier. So, I believe that not only can I grow personally from this, but our department as a whole can benefit from it."

A lot of uncertainty

Auke van der Endt found herself in a completely different restructuring within Monuta last year. As a manager of funeral services, she, like her colleagues, was declared redundant. Positions had to be refilled, and everyone was invited to apply. Van der Endt saw it as a logical step. "The management had to change, and with that comes a different profile. It wasn't shocking, but it was the first time something like this happened within the organization. Naturally, it caused a lot of uncertainty."

Van der Endt was familiar with other tools but not with the TMA Talent Analysis. "I'm always open to these kinds of tools because I see self-awareness as an enrichment for the future, both personally and professionally. You see exactly where your strengths lie and where you need improvement, but thanks to the 360-degree feedback, you also see how others perceive you. The report revealed that I was a very good fit for the position of Commercial Manager for the Central-Southwest region."

Not right or wrong

The funeral directors also recently underwent the TMA Talent Analysis, as their roles have changed and new applications were required. Van der Endt was closely involved in this process as a manager. "Some find it challenging when they are confronted with a mirror, while others find it enjoyable. I see TMA as a framework for who you are and what you do, and especially as something you can use in your career. It's a foundation, and it can't be right or wrong."

"It can, however, provide confirmation or surprises," Van der Endt continues. "Two employees decided to step down from their positions, partly due to the analysis. They mentioned that the new role didn't suit them, which was also reflected in their reports, so it's only great to see that being confirmed."

Also Start with TMA


As a consultant, you guide your clients by implementing TMA Talent Management. You rely on positive psychology.


As an organization you want to implement the TMA positive psychology instruments and TMA Talent Management Method in your own organization.


As a coach you believe in positive psychology, talent and possibilities that make the difference for the candidates you coach.

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