Feedback Instruments

With our online feedback instruments, employees provide each other with feedback in a straightforward manner, allowing you to easily identify strengths and areas for development.


User-friendly online feedback tools

Our online feedback instruments provide a user-friendly approach for development discussions, as they illuminate individuals’ strengths and areas for improvement. By comparing self-perception to how others perceive them, employees gain clear insights into their strong points and developmental areas. Within our Talent Management System, employees can independently initiate a feedback process and request input on their competencies and/or talents.

How online feedback works?

Our online feedback tool allows employees to initiate their own feedback process. They request feedback from individuals in their (work) environment on one or more critical competencies or talents. Feedback can be sought from colleagues as well as subordinates, supervisors, or clients.
By combining the diverse perceptions of feedback providers, a comprehensive picture of the feedback recipient emerges, revealing potential strengths and areas for development.

Talent development modules

In addition to our solution for Feedback, we have curated four modules that empower organizations to shape talent-focused development for employees, teams, leaders, and the organization.

Personal development  


Make an appointment for an inspiring introduction

Understanding the entire TMA philosophy and overseeing all the possibilities of talent-oriented work can be overwhelming.
Therefore, we would like to visit you and provide more information about our modules without any obligation.